Monday, 12 January 2015

Your Freelancing Guide

Graeme Meadows has earned his living as a freelance writer for several years. He has met and interviewed, or worked with, many people that do their particular type of work on a freelance basis. Graeme said that many people have the dream to have a successful freelance career but they are often basing their dreams on limited or even incorrect information or the experience of a few exceptional people that have had success quickly and with seemingly little effort. “I know that some people achieve success fairly quickly when they begin freelancing but others have their dreams and their future shattered because they are not aware of how important some factors can be to their continued success. Graeme says that his eBook is focused on helping people who are considering setting themselves up as a freelance in their industry and freelancers who have some experience but are looking for ways to improve their methods and results. Some may find ways of making money as a freelance or making more from their current projects that they had not even considered. Graeme said that he was not guaranteeing anyone instant success but he has helped many people to build a better future for themselves. “My book will answer the questions which people have when they want to move on to have their own freelance business.” It will also help those who want to dabble in freelance work as a sideline to their current job or those who have skills but are unable to find a job in the current economy and want to freelance until more jobs become available.

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